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Home: Welcome

by Carol Gengler

Get to know us.

The Cedarburg Artists Guild inspires creativity and promotes fine arts and crafts in Ozaukee and Washington counties. We were founded over forty years ago by a handful of artists to foster these burgeoning artistic communities, and our membership represents the entire spectrum of the visual arts. Our group works extremely hard to cultivate the inner artist in all of our members and the guests who participate in and attend our popular events. We now offer workshops and classes to nurture everyone’s creative spark and spirit. Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the fun by joining us today and getting to know our members.

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A Paint Cedarburg Event

Meet and mingle with artists as they create paintings throughout Ozaukee County out of "plein air." Enjoy multiple gallery exhibitions and sales, and take home a fresh work of art to add to your collection.

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Alice Struck

A chance to meet our artists and see where they work

The art tour is always held on the second full weekend of October. The artists will create art during the event and are happy to explain their artistic process and inspirations.

Our premier exhibit

This special event attracts collectors from throughout the Midwest who are interested in enjoying and acquiring original artwork. Approximately 90 CAG members display a broad spectrum of media, including painters, encaustic, metal, wood, mixed media, and more.


by Alan Eickberg

Celebrate local art

More than 40 exceptional CAG artists will showcase their original work at the annual Holiday Art Fair. This event is a greatly anticipated weekend art and craft show in downtown Cedarburg.

Bringing Artists Together

Cedarburg Artists Guild (CAG) is a well-respected and thriving artist collective located in southeastern Wisconsin. We’ve got a reputation for hosting outstanding events like Plein Air, A Paint Cedarburg Event, the Covered Bridge Art Studio Tour, the Annual Juried Exhibit, and the Holiday Art Fair. Our talented member's work is also showcased at Main Street Gallery in Cedarburg. If you're looking for a fun, friendly, and well-rounded artistic experience, our guild is for you!

Get social with us.

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